
  • Global Atlantic's transformational technology officer

    07 June 2024

    Padma Elmgart talks to Sarfraz Thind about her work in modernising the tech structure of the fast-growing US annuity provider

  • CROs' secrets of success for managing third-party and digital risks

    31 May 2024

    Risk experts explain how insurers can improve operational and third-party risk management, what works for them, and the impact of new regulations in this area. Ronan McCaughey reports

  • Quantum computing and AI power actuarial modelling breakthroughs

    28 July 2023

    When identifying, analysing and pricing risk, non-life actuaries are finding classical approaches just don't cut it. Artificial intelligence, quantum computing and novel data sources are showing the way forward, as David Walker reports

  • Prudential Financial's CRO discusses interest rates, AI and climate risk

    02 June 2023

    Meyrick Douglas has contended with banking stress in the US, rising interest rates, edgy markets and ChatGPT since becoming Prudential Financial's chief risk officer in November 2022. He sits down with Ronan McCaughey to discuss. Additional reporting by Paul Walsh

  • Moody's RMS opens the door to open-source cat modelling

    25 May 2023

    The leading catastrophe modelling firm has taken a major step in allowing its users access to third-party models, based on open-source standards, alongside its proprietary offerings. But its embrace of the open-source world is limited, as Christopher Cundy reports

  • Catastrophe models lead the charge on climate risk integration

    27 April 2023

    Insurers are putting significant effort into understanding how climate affects their business - none more so than in improving their catastrophe models, as Joshua Geer reports

  • Insurers' top cyber vulnerabilities in 2023

    04 January 2023

    Lucy Scott, a partner for global cyber and technology at insurance broker Lockton, explains the key cyber risks facing insurers in 2023 - and why defence controls are more important than ever

  • Ledger Investing aims to crack the casualty ILS code

    12 October 2022

    Led by ex-AIG chief risk officers, Ledger Investing is entering the relative unknown in connecting insurance-linked securities (ILS) investors with casualty risks. Paul Walsh reports

  • RVS 2022: emerging risks are fattening the tail

    26 September 2022

    The interconnectedness of emerging risks threatens to exacerbate extreme losses for reinsurers. Paul Walsh reflects on the discussions at the Rendez-Vous de Septembre (RVS) in Monte Carlo

  • Insurtech's growing pains

    14 September 2022

    Insurtechs have faced a tough 12 months. What was once the land of endless opportunity has become an environment of job cuts and dried up funding. But making the journey from puberty to adulthood was never going to be easy, as Sarfraz Thind reports