
  • UK's MA reforms: a fixation on attestation

    24 October 2023

    What do the PRA's proposed requirements for attesting matching adjustment benefits mean for insurers, and will it stop them investing in wider assets? Christopher Cundy and Paul Walsh report

  • Eiopa's third-country reinsurance rules must strike a delicate balance

    04 October 2023

    Achieving sound risk management while avoiding protectionism is crucial for addressing coverage gaps, argues Carlos Montalvo Rebuelta

  • UK's MA reforms: with great flexibility comes great responsibility

    28 September 2023

    Insurers can look forward to including assets with "highly predictable" cash flows and more sub-investment grade assets into their matching adjustment portfolios, but at the expense of stricter risk management. Christopher Cundy reports

  • A new chapter for Solvency II's SFCR

    30 August 2023

    Modifications to the solvency and financial condition report (SFCR) have been mooted in the UK and EU, although insurers and users have urged caution on any potential changes. Paul Walsh reports

  • Zurich's Colleen Zitt: a constructive approach to risk management

    01 August 2023

    Colleen Zitt has certainly had her hands full in the three years since she became Zurich North America's CRO. But the experience has advanced her ability to manage risk, she tells Sarfraz Thind

  • Lapse risk and capital management strategies: rewriting the script

    04 July 2023

    Mass lapse risk has returned to haunt European life insurers, prompted a rethink of the approach to risk and capital management, as Luca Tres explains in the second of this two-part series

  • Petra Hielkema discusses sustainability in Solvency II, transition plans and greenwashing

    29 June 2023

    The chair of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority sits down with Joshua Geer to share her views on how sustainability can be implemented in Solvency II, why she is not pushing for transition plans and the regulatory scope for greenwashing

  • Lapse risk and capital management strategies: back in the spotlight

    27 June 2023

    Mass lapse risk has returned to haunt European life insurers, prompted a rethink of the approach to risk and capital management, as Luca Tres explains in the first of this two-part series

  • Divergent views and rising rates cool progress on EU's Solvency II reforms

    16 June 2023

    One year has passed since the European Parliament's Econ committee issued its draft text on the Solvency II reforms. Joshua Geer and Christopher Cundy investigate why the agenda has not progressed - and when a breakthrough might occur

  • Judges' award for contribution to the industry: David Otudeko

    02 March 2023

    Winner of the 2023 InsuranceERM UK & Europe judges' award, David Otudeko, talks to Christopher Cundy about his rollercoaster year