
  • Ireland's insurance regulator talks Solvency II divergence and going green

    31 January 2023

    Domhnall Cullinan, director of insurance supervision at the Central Bank of Ireland, speaks to Ronan McCaughey about the biggest risks and regulatory challenges facing the sector in 2023

  • Risk experts list fears about UK Solvency II reforms

    17 January 2023

    The UK's Solvency II reforms provoked strong opinions at the Insurance Risk & Capital EMEA conference, where experts discussed the challenge of regulating a changing world. Ronan McCaughey reports

  • InsuranceERM's top stories of 2022

    30 December 2022

    Christopher Cundy, Ronan McCaughey, Sarfraz Thind, Paul Walsh and Joshua Geer review the key developments that shaped the insurance market in 2022 - and share their outlooks for 2023

  • Eiopa's Justin Wray: Solvency II reform can work amid high rates

    19 December 2022

    The head of the policy department at the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority discussed major risks, Solvency II and sustainability at Insurance Risk & Capital EMEA. Ronan McCaughey reports

  • Regulators consider capital for climate risk

    15 December 2022

    Insurance regulators are keen to ensure their prudential frameworks properly incorporate climate risk. But whether this should be reflected in capital requirements is proving a difficult question to answer, as Christopher Cundy reports

  • Ripples of interest rate risk hit UK annuity writers

    07 October 2022

    Equity-release mortgages have been a popular asset class for annuity writers, but soaring interest rates, fears of a property crash and regulatory uncertainty are creating questions for the market, as Christopher Cundy reports

  • MEPs' Solvency II amendments put climate and calibrations back on the table

    18 August 2022

    The European Parliament is set for an intense debate on its amendments to the Solvency II directive, which present a mixed picture in terms of their potential impact on insurers. Paul Walsh reports

  • PRT market set for a blazing H2

    16 August 2022

    The UK's pension risk transfer market (PRT) is on course for a very busy second half of the year, after relatively modest activity in H1. Solvency II reforms are also likely to impact the sector, as Ronan McCaughey explains

  • Solvency II in Germany: four insurers below 100% ratio without transitional measures

    28 July 2022

    New analysis from Insurance Risk Data picks up where Eiopa left off, evaluating the use of the long-term guarantees measures in Germany, the EEA country where they are most popular. David Walker reports

  • The UK's Solvency II reform proposals: reactions summarised

    21 July 2022

    Actuaries, US insurers, environmental campaigners have joined the UK industry in responding to Solvency II reform proposals. Christopher Cundy and David Walker report