
  • UK GAAP could be aligned with IFRS 17 by the early 2030s

    27 July 2023

    BDO's Mark Spencer says firms can begin preparing now for change in accounting standard

  • Countries delaying IFRS 17 implementation risk creating disaster, warns IASB chair

    27 July 2023

    Andreas Barckow praises insurers for efforts in communicating accounting changes

  • LDTI helping clarify VA hedging strategies despite comparison difficulties

    25 July 2023

    Rating agency Moody's analyses Q1 reports from four large variable annuity firms

  • L&G reveals latest IFRS 17 financials and PRT market activity

    05 July 2023

    Shareholders' equity halved, but a £13.6bn CSM and RA created

  • Moody's flags issues for firms voyaging out for offshore life reinsurance

    01 June 2023

    Moody's said the movement towards offshore business is a credit negative for life firms

  • Beazley shuns "two models" approach to IFRS 17 implementation

    24 May 2023

    Specialty re/insurer will only use GMM, rather than simplified PAA

  • China Life sticks with VNB metric in IFRS 17 implementation

    10 May 2023

    Follows trend for life insurers to provide continuation on key performance indicators

  • At least 14 EU firms to use IFRS 17 annual cohorts opt-out

    14 April 2023

    KPMG analysis of IFRS 17 disclosures also covers discount rate and risk adjustment approaches

  • Should insurers develop a CSM for IFRS 9 business?

    03 April 2023

    Idea discussed at InsuranceERM's IFRS 17 Conference

  • Expect a "huge shock factor" when IFRS 17 is fully disclosed

    31 March 2023

    Panellists at InsuranceERM's IFRS 17 conference discussed stakeholder engagement in initial reporting