Should insurers develop a CSM for IFRS 9 business?
03 April 2023Idea discussed at InsuranceERM's IFRS 17 Conference
Expect a "huge shock factor" when IFRS 17 is fully disclosed
31 March 2023Panellists at InsuranceERM's IFRS 17 conference discussed stakeholder engagement in initial reporting
Like Solvency II, it will take time to get comfortable with IFRS 17, say experts
24 March 2023Implementation issues will be discussed at InsuranceERM's IFRS 17 conference next week
GCC insurers face solvency squeeze, warns S&P
02 March 2023Risks for the region's insurers include reserving, regulation and reinsurance capacity
Lloyds takes £1.3bn charge for IFRS 17 contract boundary change
22 February 2023Additional feature included in workplace pension policies to blame
Discounting reserves under IFRS 17 is "dangerous", Fairfax chief warns
20 February 2023Prem Watsa says Canadian group will manage business on undiscounted basis
Investors "flying blind" on earnings during IFRS 17 transition, says Berenberg
07 February 2023Bridge from IFRS 4 to IFRS 17 on 2023 earning missing until later this year
Moody's acknowledges IFRS 17 CSM has equity characteristics
02 February 2023Rating agency proposes rule of thumb for including CSM in equity calculations
BMA publishes 2023 business plan
26 January 2023Formalising DEI and ESG approaches are a key priority
Generali calls for input on new disclosures under IFRS 9/17
13 December 2022CFO Cristiano Borean says accounting alignment with Solvency II is "material benefit"