
  • Noto Peninsular earthquake likely to trigger $5.3bn insured losses, says Global Data

    13 February 2024

    AM Best flags possible reinsurance rate hikes in April renewals

  • P&I Clubs rate hikes needed for "price adequacy" in next week's renewals, says AM Best

    12 February 2024

    Hikes of between 5% to 7.5% are expected, lower than 10% seen a year ago

  • Chinese industry solvency sits below levels reached after C-Ross Phase II began

    09 February 2024

    Regulator will explore relaxing foreign investment limits in China's insurers

  • China Re reveals level of domestic green energy reinsurance in 2023

    08 February 2024

    Other cover included parametric policies covering abalone and rice-shrimp prices

  • Tighter equity capital rules from 2026 will cull Indonesia's insurers, Fitch expects

    07 February 2024

    Higher requirements are being implemented in 2026 and 2028

  • Swiss Re economists predict stronger US growth, inflation to relent

    06 February 2024

    Swiss Re Institute expects inflation to dip below 2% in Europe

  • From the elderly to mountain climbers, Japan's motor insurers identify higher risk drivers

    06 February 2024

    Sector is helping reduce crashes among higher-risk cohorts

  • Reinsurers have "lost their appetite for Australia" admits non-life association's CEO

    06 February 2024

    Suncorp says secondary peril risk-modelling has supplanted diversification benefits, in reinsurers' eyes

  • Australia's insurers want a property 'buy-back fund' as global warming unfolds

    05 February 2024

    Sector reveals the worst scenario that it's already contemplating

  • Japan's government calls on groups to control subsidiaries better amid Bigmotor fallout

    05 February 2024

    Finance minister acknowledges Sompo Japan "faced pressure from its secure profits"