Phoenix upgrades cash generation targets following Part VII transfer
13 November 2023Shares in UK life insurer soars upon news
777 Re's credit rating downgraded on ERM and asset weaknesses
10 November 2023AM Best concerned by Bermudian life reinsurer investing in affiliate holdings
Insurance Risk & Capital Bermuda - three weeks to go!
04 October 2023Event takes place at Rosewood Bermuda hotel on 25 October
M&G re-enters annuity market with two bulk deals
20 September 2023Life insurer hits limits on tier 2 and tier 3 debt in Solvency II calculations
RVS 2023: Hannover Re prioritising longevity and reliability in capital allocation
11 September 2023Sven Althoff said the firm talks "decades, not 12 months" when allocating capital
Beazley switches capital metrics as global growth continues
07 September 2023Speciality re/insurer to use Solvency II rather than Lloyd's ECR
South Korea's insurers to assess strategies following K-ICS implementation
01 September 2023Less than half of firms using transitional measures to ease introduction of capital rules
RGA eyes pension risk transfer and Asian markets as top growth opportunities
15 June 2023US life and health reinsurer looking to alternative capital to finance growth
PRA stresses risks of funded reinsurance for UK's bulk annuity writers
15 June 2023Charlotte Gerken has written to chief risk officers explaining the regulator's next steps
Manulife appoints Halina von dem Hagen as its global CRO
05 June 2023She was previously the Canadian life and health insurer's global treasurer and head of capital management