
  • Big three Canadian life firms predict capital ratio uplift on IFRS 17 transition

    20 February 2023

    Regulator had set goal for capital change to be neutral across the sector

  • Discounting reserves under IFRS 17 is "dangerous", Fairfax chief warns

    20 February 2023

    Prem Watsa says Canadian group will manage business on undiscounted basis

  • Zurich hits solvency high, analyst asks "what will you do with all this money?"

    09 February 2023

    Share buyback is under way, growth is the goal

  • IFRS 17/9 will improve transparency but create initial confusion, says Mapfre CFO

    09 February 2023

    Chief executive Antonio Huertas comments on Turkey and Syria earthquake

  • Investors "flying blind" on earnings during IFRS 17 transition, says Berenberg

    07 February 2023

    Bridge from IFRS 4 to IFRS 17 on 2023 earning missing until later this year

  • Just's shareholders' equity halves on IFRS 17 transition

    06 February 2023

    UK life firm plans to include CSM in "adjusted shareholder equity" metric

  • RGA updates equity impact from adopting LDTI

    03 February 2023

    Early US flu season hits the reinsurer's Q4 claims

  • Moody's acknowledges IFRS 17 CSM has equity characteristics

    02 February 2023

    Rating agency proposes rule of thumb for including CSM in equity calculations

  • Hannover Re CFO defends 2023 revenue targets in light of IFRS 17 uncertainty

    01 February 2023

    Clemens Jungsthöfel said large losses in 2022 warrant caution

  • Fitch Ratings: too early to fully compare IFRS 17 results

    24 January 2023

    The rating agency said varying approaches to IFRS 17 mean insurers could report different results