
  • Investment environment remains biggest challenge to reinsurers

    29 August 2013

    Softening prices also a threat, says Fitch

  • Non-life underwriting boosts Hannover Re profit

    07 August 2013

    Income from investments and life and health reinsurance fall away

  • Hiscox latest to report investment slump

    29 July 2013

    Low bond yields also bring greater competition from ILS investors

  • Insurers' asset shifts create credit risks

    17 July 2013

    Moody's warns of investing in illiquid and low-quality assets

  • Twelve Capital hires leading risk management academic

    12 July 2013

    Markus Stricker joins Swiss insurance investment firm

  • Swiss Re CFO sees G-SIFI status having little impact on capital

    24 June 2013

    Reallocates assets to bet on rising bond yields

  • Infrastructure investment in vogue following Axa's €10bn plan

    19 June 2013

    Concerns about treatment under Solvency II partially recede, says Fitch

  • European insurers hold assets worth €8.5trn

    13 June 2013

    But long-term investing role is under threat, says Insurance Europe/Oliver Wyman report

  • Allianz's renewable energy investment tops €1.5bn following Google deal

    06 June 2013

    Deal matches long-term liabilities of insurance companies

  • European insurers missing opportunity to diversify investments

    05 June 2013

    Just 2-3% of portfolios invested in alternative asset classes