
  • Italian life policy lapses remain stubbornly high

    27 November 2023

    Latest data from Banca d'Italia also shows unit-linked premiums down 33% in H1

  • "Significant potential risks" in funded reinsurance require new rules, says PRA [UPDATED]

    16 November 2023

    UK's Prudential Regulation Authority consults on expectations around use of such contracts

  • 777 Re's credit rating downgraded on ERM and asset weaknesses

    10 November 2023

    AM Best concerned by Bermudian life reinsurer investing in affiliate holdings

  • IAIS 2023: "I like insurance because it has the best data"

    10 November 2023

    Keynote speaker Keiko Honda asks if insurers could sell their data to others

  • EY: Workforce upskilling lags behind insurers' ambitions for AI

    25 October 2023

    Research by the consultancy found the majority of surveyed insurers are actively investing in AI

  • Timeline narrows to reach agreement on Retail Investment Strategy

    24 October 2023

    Divergent views from MEPs, but RIS rapporteur pledges to build consensus on the issue

  • EBA's stance on climate risk capital poses questions for insurance sector

    13 October 2023

    EU banking authority's recommendations come ahead of Eiopa's analysis

  • PE firms keeping US insurers in their sights, says Fitch

    13 October 2023

    Alt AM insurers held four times more riskier assets than rest of market, agency finds

  • Insurers targeting 10-20% savings from digital capabilities, Swiss Re finds

    12 October 2023

    The reinsurer said gains from digitalisation are far from exhausted

  • Insurance Risk Data launches sixth annual insurer outsourcing report

    10 October 2023

    Insurance Investment Outsourcing Opportunities - EEA, UK and Switzerland, 2024 has 350 pages of commercially valuable analysis and data