
  • Covid-19 risks distracting the world from climate change threat

    16 October 2020

    Zurich's group CRO Peter Giger warns action on climate change "remains as urgent as ever"

  • Climate change blamed for nat cats doubling since 2000

    13 October 2020

    UN reports the worsening floods and storms over the last 20 years

  • Actuaries ponder how to set mortality assumptions after Covid-19

    06 October 2020

    CMI consultation runs until 1 November

  • CRO role at Swedish mutual insurer goes to the ex-CIO

    06 October 2020

    Bliwa Livförsäkring is now searching for a new CIO

  • CMI proposes "no weight" on 2020 data for next mortality projections

    24 September 2020

    It says coronavirus has caused an exceptional mortality experience this year

  • "Build resilience" urge Wilson and Richter in paper on Covid-19's lessons

    24 September 2020

    Allianz's Tom Wilson and Ludwig Maximilian University's Andreas Richter collaborate on review of ERM implications of the pandemic

  • GIC Re recommended to run India's pandemic risk pool

    21 September 2020

    A working group of Indian re/insurers details how a public-private pooling initiative would work

  • Join InsuranceERM's Americas virtual conference for expert insight

    15 September 2020

    The virtual event is free for insurers and will be held on 22-23 of September

  • Climate change could be "much worse" than Covid-19

    10 September 2020

    Munich Re's reinsurance CEO says climate change has been under the radar because of the pandemic

  • Munich Re expects around €200m in Beirut explosion claims

    07 September 2020

    It also anticipates a low triple-digit-million euro amount in claims from recent hurricanes