
  • CRO Forum warns insurers to prepare for more pandemics

    31 October 2022

    It assesses how Covid-19 has impacted re/insurers' liabilities and asset management

  • NHS funding will be major headwind for UK longevity assumptions

    07 October 2022

    On the positive side, Hymans Robertson expert points to a potential anti-ageing drug

  • PRA steps up oversight of funded reinsurance for annuity firms

    20 September 2022

    UK regulator warns life insurers about concentration risks

  • Covid-19 is still impacting top European reinsurers

    06 September 2022

    AM Best report shows combined ratios improving for the "big four"

  • Better data could liberate life underwriting for mental health conditions

    23 August 2022

    Opportunities exist for improved risk assessment and dynamic underwriting, say actuaries

  • Climate change aggravates almost two-thirds of human pathogenic diseases

    22 August 2022

    Research highlights mortality and morbidity risks from climate change

  • Solvency II reforms not about capital release, says Phoenix CEO

    15 August 2022

    Andy Briggs says matching adjustment eligibility is more important issue

  • CRO Forum adds space debris and climate engineering as emerging risks

    05 August 2022

    Climate change and cyber risks are listed as the most pressing threats for insurers in 2022

  • Covid-19 to have marginal impact on future mortality improvements, say UK insurers

    30 June 2022

    Situation is still evolving, warns Continuous Mortality Investigation

  • LCP recruits longevity expert Stuart McDonald

    30 June 2022

    He helped to found the Covid-19 Actuaries Response Group