
  • AIA calls for ICS tailored to US needs

    20 October 2016

    Association wants regulation sensitive to local capital and accounting rules

  • EU-US talks on covered agreement resume

    21 September 2016

    Pressure on negotiators mounts as firms face increasing barriers to do business

  • EU passporting loss would hurt 220 UK insurers

    20 September 2016

    FCA reveals that 726 European insurers rely on facility to do business in Britain

  • MetLife appoints vice-president of global regulation

    13 September 2016

    Edite Ligere will help oversee development of international capital rules

  • Bermuda advertises route around Solvency II barriers

    12 September 2016

    Reinsurance collateral no substitute for equivalence, ABIR's Brading tells US insurers

  • Obamacare needs federal backstop reinsurance

    02 September 2016

    To improve predictability of maximum costs, says Iowa insurance commissioner

  • US regulators to review credit ratings equivalency

    30 August 2016

    After damning report by Fitch

  • NAIC appoints new FSOC representative

    30 August 2016

    New Jersey's insurance director Peter Hartt to replace Adam Hamm

  • Consedine takes chief lobbyist role at Aegon

    25 August 2016

    Former US regulator will oversee government relations in US, Europe and Asia

  • One-sided Solvency II equivalence may violate WTO obligations

    19 August 2016

    US Congress calls for legal action if covered agreement negotiations fail