
  • IAIS drops G-SII designation in systemic risk proposal

    14 November 2018

    New framework will look at entity and activity-based approaches

  • IAIS vows to act on 1,500 pages of ICS feedback

    12 November 2018

    Chair of field testing group said feedback came from a “great number of stakeholders.”

  • US insurers join critique of international capital standard v2.0

    06 November 2018

    Ongoing concerns about recognition of aggregation approach to group capital requirements

  • Insurance Europe: international capital standard 'needs more work'

    05 November 2018

    The IAIS launched a consultation on its ICS 2.0 standard earlier this year

  • Malaysian regulator warns insurers about investment-linked product 'flaws'

    02 October 2018

    Central bank expects to raise requirements for investment-linked insurance business

  • Chinese insurers' C-Ross compliance pays off

    17 September 2018

    But firms are still exposed to risky investments

  • Reinsurers see regulation shifting from "maximum" to "optimum"

    13 September 2018

    Chief executives in Monte Carlo welcome moves from regulators that will encourage growth

  • Join the conversation in New York on ERM, capital management and insurtech

    29 August 2018

    Insurance Risk & Capital Americas conference takes place on 24 September

  • Prudential to switch supervisors after M&G demerger

    08 August 2018

    Asian-focused business will no longer be overseen by the UK PRA

  • Hiscox profits rise as premiums increase all round

    30 July 2018

    Major reallocation of investment portfolio