
  • Natcat compounding effects and silent AI are Swiss Re's top emerging risks

    12 June 2024

    The reinsurer's annual Sonar report features 16 emerging risks and their potential impacts

  • ECA 2024: Unisex pricing rules were "lucky" in hindsight

    11 June 2024

    Insurers would have faced difficulties in today's gender climate, actuarial consultants say

  • EU value for money rules extend beyond transparency, Moody's warns

    11 June 2024

    Scrutiny to increase with more "interventionist regulation" on the horizon

  • ECA 2024: Financial services are solutions to, not causes of, global risks, says European Commission official

    11 June 2024

    The deputy head of the insurance and pensions unit reflects on the previous mandate

  • Internal model validation under pressure to add value for insurers

    10 June 2024

    Insights following a recent Barnett Waddingham roundtable on internal models

  • Southern German floods likely to cost insurers €2bn, says GDV

    10 June 2024

    June inundations in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg bring major losses

  • Get listed in InsuranceERM's 2024-25 technology directory!

    10 June 2024

    Free and enhanced listings are available in the online guide for re/insurers that includes 120 products from more than 60 vendors

  • NHS cyber-attack: insurers reiterate need for cyber resilience

    07 June 2024
  • ECA 2024: Sustainable disclosures not just for Europe, it's a worldwide movement

    07 June 2024

    EFRAG responds to question about the burden of Europe's sustainability regulation

  • US pension risk transfer sales hit record high in Q1

    06 June 2024

    Limra expects this momentum to continue throughout 2024