UK matching adjustment benefit rises to £78bn
09 July 2024More business for bulk annuity insurers, as interest rates dip
BaFin asks German insurers if they really need Solvency II transitional measures
09 July 2024GDV expects "vast majority" of German insurers are solid without transitionals
GDV renews its querying on whether SFCR documents prove their worth
05 July 2024German trade association recommends culling narrative sections
German insurers call for two-year moratorium on new regulations
05 July 2024Sustainability reporting burden should be a focus for reform, says GDV
ASR eyes €8bn of Dutch PRT business in next four years
27 June 2024Estimates 40pp increase in solvency ratio from measures including internal model
IMF urges Dutch regulator to improve scrutiny of life insurers [UPDATED]
20 June 2024High exposures to mortgage loans requires more stress testing
FSB proposals on liquidity risk management represent best practice, say trade associations
20 June 2024Insurance Europe and GFIA respond to consultation on margin and collateral calls
Labour Party pledges to "unleash full potential" of UK insurance sector
18 June 2024Shadow city minister outlines strategic plan for insurers
EU's Solvency II reforms could free up to €80bn of capital, S&P estimates
12 June 2024Insurance sector's solvency ratios to benefit by up to 25 percentage points in aggregate
Insurers facing issues in quantifying nature risk in Orsas
11 June 2024ASR's Esther Egeter cited challenges around data shortages and the typical timespan of an Orsa