
  • Fourth named storm forms in Gulf

    02 September 2014

    Dolly has slim chance of becoming hurricane

  • Risk margin threatens to shrink MA benefit

    01 September 2014

    Eiopa revises method of calculation to include credit risk

  • Sompo outlook remains negative

    01 September 2014

    Fitch highlights importance of solvency margin

  • Bermuda continues to attract insurance start-ups

    01 September 2014

    91 new insurers registered in 2013

  • Helvetia sees Solvency I ratio soar

    01 September 2014

    Non-life business drive increase in profits

  • Aviva agrees £300m buy-in

    29 August 2014

    Interserve pension scheme transfers 35% of its liabilities

  • Mitsui Life keeps BBB-rating

    29 August 2014

    Fitch expresses concerns about embedded value

  • IERM Comment: The dirty 'P' word

    28 August 2014

    US protectionism is outmoded

  • Commission seeks separate mandate to negotiate US reinsurance collateral

    28 August 2014

    US reluctant to include financial services in TTIP

  • Eiopa to receive more powers - insurers to pay?

    28 August 2014

    The European Commission's recent proposals to increase the power and change the funding sources of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority have raised more than a few eyebrows. Marcus Alcock reports