
  • With-profits in Italy gets a lift from Ivass consultation

    21 November 2017

    Rule changes would allow for multi-year profits smoothing

  • Unipol restructures insurance units as part of bad loans resolution

    30 June 2017

    UnipolSai's solvency ratio will be cut by 17pp as a result

  • Italian life sales figures refute trend away from guarantees

    07 December 2016

    Move towards non-guaranteed products is underway, observers say

  • Brexit shifts debate on Solvency II reforms

    13 October 2016

    Many see Solvency II rules as a largely British export to Europe, but once the UK leaves the EU, the remaining member states are likely to take the directive in a new direction. Callum Tanner reports

  • Italian supervisor urges industry to 'keep it simple' in policy wording

    11 October 2016

    Ivass also launches investigation into dormant life policies

  • Germany and Italy see largest second wave of Solvency II applications

    20 September 2016

    InsuranceERM survey reveals many insurers are still adjusting to the new regulatory regime

  • European supervisors change tack on negative interest rate risk

    20 September 2016

    Insurers are being asked to modify internal models as negative yields become the new normal, but the approach varies by country and company. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Generali joins internal model club

    08 March 2016

    Partial model covers group and main German and Italian businesses

  • Think carefully before risk-weighting government bonds

    07 March 2016

    UnipolSai's Cimbri delivers impassioned plea

  • Not so much the 'own' risk and solvency assessment

    05 November 2015

    From the size of the stresses to the maximum number of pages of the report, European regulators are becoming prescriptive about how insurers should go about developing ORSAs in preparation for Solvency II. Hugo Coelho reports