UK insurers' Brexit choices become a test of EU regulatory convergence
13 July 2017Eiopa's opinion on Brexit may have scotched the plans of London firms hoping to reinsure 100% of EU risks back to the City. But are some regulators offering a lighter-touch version of the rules than others? Callum Tanner reports
The new additions to InsuranceERM's Most Influential list
04 May 2017Nine executives recognised for their work on risk and capital management, Brexit and Solvency II
European insurers hold out hope on UK market access
13 April 2017With article 50 triggered, insurers in the UK and EEA wait with bated breath for news on what will replace passporting. Although the EU looks set to take a tough line on access to the single market for the UK, pressure is mounting on the UK government to avoid retaliation. Callum Tanner reports
Yes, no, maybe: the PRA responds to industry's Solvency II reform agenda
17 March 2017The UK regulator has made a point-by-point reply to the Association of British Insurers' agenda for Solvency II reforms and confirmed its priority to review the reporting requirements. Christopher Cundy reports
Insurers split on recovery and resolution planning
16 March 2017As the IAIS looks to develop a market-wide approach to systemic risk, Eiopa is developing rules that will require recovery and resolution plans from all insurers regardless of their size. This broader approach to systemic risk has split industry opinion and pitted large firms against small. Callum Tanner reports
UK insurers' legal challenge on risk margin scuppered by regulator
16 February 2017Legal advice commissioned by British insurers suggested that a future management action could allow firms to significantly reduce the risk margin even while the UK regulator remains bound to EU law. So far that advice has fallen on deaf ears. Callum Tanner reports
UK's problem with Solvency II isn't EU red tape: it's gold plating
17 November 2016MPs investigating post-Brexit Solvency II reforms should focus on the UK regulator, rather than Brussels bureaucrats, according to insurers. Far from throwing off the shackles of Europe, most firms hope any changes will be minor and phased in slowly. Callum Tanner reports
ABI creates prudential regulation committee
02 March 2016Replaces Solvency II committee, but initial focus will be on internal models
UK is gold-plating Solvency II audit requirements - ABI
24 February 2016Association calls for proportional treatment of smaller insurers
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