
  • Lawyer says he has "smoking gun" in US business interruption case

    22 January 2021

    John Houghtaling, who is handling $3bn in claims on behalf of small businesses forced to close by Covid-19, believes his case will be a watershed for the US BI saga. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Germany's interest rate reserve gets bigger - and better

    07 January 2021

    German life insurers paid more into the Zinszusatzreserve again in 2020, despite the new "corridor method" of calculation that intended to unburden the sector. Industry leaders tell David Walker the ZZR remains fit for purpose nonetheless

  • The politics of pandemics

    31 December 2020

    Combatting the next pandemic will take a lot more than vaccines, according to Frank Schiller, a board member of Germany's actuarial association. To cover the risk, insurers will need a deft understanding and the ability to work closely with the political world, as Schiller explains to David Walker

  • ICS: the gift that nobody wants

    23 December 2020

    The Insurance Capital Standard continues to be a source of controversy. If the IAIS thought the global capital rule had satisfied at last year's Abu Dhabi meet, they will need to think again. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Solvency II interest rate risk: a floor to cure the flaw

    31 July 2020

    Eiopa's stakeholder group has proposed an alternative solution to what it sees as a flawed proposal to reform the interest rate risk module. Christopher Cundy reports

  • The insurance industry's climate change leaders

    30 June 2020

    Christopher Cundy introduces InsuranceERM's list of the people leading and shaping the insurance sector's response to climate change

  • "Wrong tone" casts insurers as Covid-19 villains

    22 June 2020

    Insurance and communication experts debated the reputation of insurance after the Covid-19 pandemic in InsuranceERM's latest webinar. Many achievements were highlighted, but a lack of empathy was a key criticism. Ronan McCaughey explains

  • Longevity risk modelling: what have we learned from Covid-19?

    17 June 2020

    Cintia Cheong talks to Joseph Lu, Colin Dutkiewicz and Mark Cooper how Covid-19 is impacting longevity and what life re/insurers should consider in their modelling and risk management

  • Is a Pandemic Re the answer in a post-Covid-19 world?

    15 June 2020

    Experts have debated the need for a pandemic insurance risk backstop, what it should cover and how it should be funded. Ronan McCaughey reports from the latest of InsuranceERM's Covid-19 webinar series

  • Australia's insurers get grilled after the country burns

    21 May 2020

    A parliamentary committee took Australia's insurers to task after a torrid season of bushfires, Covid-19 and scathing criticism of their conduct and governance. David Walker reports